Monday 14 August 2017

Live a Little Bit More
When was the last time you decided to push life’s envelope a little bit further and become a more positive force? Living life lavishly begins with deliberately choosing to enjoy and celebrate all that you have at your disposal.  I often talk about the value of viewing your proverbial glass as half full as opposed to being half empty. This week, I want to take that notion a step further and suggest that we appreciate the lives we’ve been given just a little bit more.

It’s so easy to become complacent and ungrateful for who we have and our lives and what we have. However, I distinctly remember my grandmother’s generation; they never took anything for granted. Even though their resources were very different from those many of us enjoy today, they were eager to make the most of everything. They knew how to dress themselves in their very best, come together on special occasions, and treasure each other’s company. Many of my early memories are filled with great food, music, sharing stories, tons of love, and, most of all, so many meaningful conversations that fill my heart to this day.
It’s so important that we value life’s precious opportunities by identifying our truest passions and enjoying the gift of the present moment. The final days of summer are the absolute perfect time to add a little intentional excitement into our lives. From the mundane to the significant, spice things up a bit more. When preparing for a family get-together, purpose in your heart to build more lasting memories.  Steal a moment with a special loved one and tell them how much they truly mean to you. Instead of letting the kids play out-of-sight for countless hours in another area, find the time to come together and turn the backyard into a family dance hall. If it’s looking like you’ll be spending these last days of summer alone, consider volunteering at a nearby soup kitchen or shelter to make meaningful memories.
Remember, life is the greatest gift ever given. So, be sure to take full advantage of it and live a little bit more!

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